Saturday, February 5, 2011

Damaging storms and sunflowers

I found the stem of this sunflower, broken, this morning.  The seeds on one flower head are developing and there are a few buds waiting to open.  I have this broken stem sitting in a vase on the porch to enjoy the sun and maybe even allow the seeds to mature.  I am surprised the strong wind and rain of the last couple of days have not caused more damage.  Friday night was harrowing with the wind gust breaking twigs from the big gum in the front.  I hope it has strong roots to hold it fast for I don't like to imagine what damage it can do. 

I don't know how many varieties of sunflowers there are available.  I enjoy them, even if their season is short.  Their golden or orangy brightness can lift the spirit.  This year I don't have as many of them but they are in different parts of the garden, some tall, over two metres, and those planted too closely and crowded in by other bushes, remain low growing, but still manage to produce brilliant flowers.  I still have some sunflower seeds which I will sow soon.  They may come into flower in late autumn and may not grow to a big size, but they will still be a joy to behold.  The cockatoos are waiting for the flower heads to turn into fat seeds to feast on.  A few weeks ago a flock of them swooped down on my neighbour's newly opened sunflowers and ate one up.  I have covered a couple of the flower heads with netting, which allows the bees to do their jobs but may deter the cockatoos.

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