Friday, December 23, 2016

butterflies and budlia

The butterflies are having a fine time in the garden.  The budlia, also known as the butterfly bush attract butterflies that sustain themselves on the nectar from the tiny florets.

Monday, December 19, 2016

December flowers

The roses are making a comeback but not as glorious as at the beginning of spring.  There are enough flowers for picking especially from the big hydrangea bush.  The pink hydrangeas are in pots and I am still looking for a good spot in the garden to transplant them.

The blue and pink hydrangeas are adding colours to the rather dry summer garden.

This alstroemeria psittacina is sometimes known as the Christmas lily because of the green and red Christmas colours of the flowers which are prolific at this time of the year.  In some states this plant is regarded as a weed because it can be quite invasive.  It is easy enough to pull out where it is not wanted.
The red and yellow roses making a comeback after the pruning of the first flush in spring.

The last of the red poppies.  I have been collecting the seeds for next spring.  The seeds will be sown in winter.
This pink hollyhock comes up every spring.  I have been trying, unsuccessfully to propagate the seeds.

The blue and white agapanthus are a definite symbols of summertime.