Thursday, February 21, 2013


There was a bit of rain this evening which should revive the hydrangeas.  The pink hydrangeas along the fence have been kept alive with watering but a few heads were scorched by the few days of intense heat we have been having.

This blue hydrangea too has suffered some scorching but the bush, about my height, is doing well.  It is in a North east facing position and must love it there.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A typical February garden

The lawn is brown, with patches of green close to the edge of the garden beds.  With hardly any rain this summer is looking like many summers ago when we had the drought that saw us collecting every bit of waste water to keep our garden growing.  I have enough green in my garden to calm the eyes but I have to look around for the colourful flowers which are dispersed all over the place.  There are a few of them but not enough to pick for a beautiful display.

Even the bougainvillea is affected by the heat, some of the flowers parched dry into paper thin petals which I felt the need to remove.

The hibiscus plant is tall and lanky but it sends out flowers, one at a time.  I may need to enrich the soil to encourage more growth.

Geraniums do not need much looking after but for an abundance of flowers the plants must be fed and watered, which I am inclined to forget to do.  This pink climber gives out a few flowers at a time.

This white geranium would be more prolific if it were in a more sunny spot.

A brilliant red pelargonium and would make beautiful pot plants if I spend more time on them.

The lavender brings the bees and refreshes the mind with its fragrance.