Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ravaged by possums

At this time last year this arch was covered in flowers from two varieties of roses.  At the moment there is only a single rose to be seen as the possums or possum have been eating the shoots.  I don't know what I can do about this.  Perhaps I will cover the arch with a netting that would make it more difficult for the vermin to nibble on the shoots.

With the shoots eaten away there is not a hope for the rose plants to develop buds and flowers.

This single rose survived the vermin.  I hope the buds alongside will survive to give some beauty in this ravaged spot of the garden.

Friday, October 10, 2014

The roses are back

A Mr Lincoln rose in full bloom.  It has a light scent.

The Mr Lincoln bush is right in front of the front porch and as it tends to grow up high it makes a nice display.  Buds and blossoms.

I would have to check for the name of this rose, pink and white and scented.

A couple of early white icebergs.