Thursday, October 18, 2018

Spring colours

Most of the bulbs, such as the ixias and bluebells are over, leaving behind untidy leaves that must remain unsightly until they have done their job of feeding and nourishing the bulbs for next year.  The ornithogalums with their black centre are still at their best and are scattered throughout the garden with spikes of gladiolus calianthus.

the gladiolus calianthus or sword lily

the ornithogalum with gladiolus calianthus and a pot of lobelia

Flanders poppies with the sword lily in the background

A basket of blue lobelia

A basket of white petunia

Red and white snapdragons

Showy pink azaleas

Red hippeastrum lily

Lavenda with iris and a red rose in the background

A scented red rose

Rose buds

Cherry blossoms

Apple blossoms