Friday, October 23, 2015

The roses are back

The unexpected warmth of the last few weeks is creating so much growth, especially the roses.  I shall not name the roses but will show off the pictures taken.  Some of the deep red roses are perfumed and I have picked the petals to make rose cordial.

This climbing pink rose is the first to appear in early spring.  This grew from a cutting given to me over thirty years ago and needless to say this particular plant was taken from a cutting from my previous garden.
This climbing Blackboy rose is struggling next to the climbing pink rose and it does not help to have a tall gum tree so close.

Mr Lincoln grows next to the front steps.  In the evening I enjoy its perfume while surveying my front garden from the verandah.
The October heat is causing the Ballerina rose to fade.  Under normal circumstances, if the Melbourne weather could ever be normal, the baby pink of the clusters of blooms are outstanding.
The arch, with the Pierre de Ronsard on the left and yet to be identified rose in shades of sunset colours on the right, was pruned down after a bad attack from possums last year.
A close up of the rose on the arch.
Deep red roses among the lavender and succulents.
Low bush of white roses dwarfed by the mauve poppy.
This standard red rose is doing well after the robinia tree next to it was taken down two years ago.
Pristine white roses.
Burst of colours from the roses near the front steps.