Friday, March 6, 2015

bromeliads and chillies

a showy pink bromeliad flower

red central cup of bromeliad leaves

I have different sorts of bromeliads growing in my garden and they are quite neglected.  These two varieties are growing in a situation favoured by bromeliads, which is almost a tropical miniature rainforest area.  There is a pot of bamboo, large overhanging fronds of a tree fern and a buddleia that has outgrown the pot it was growing in and now casts shadows over the bromeliads and hydrangeas in this back part of my garden.

This chilli bush was first planted as a seedling when I moved to this place in September 2008.  Each year it provides me with fiery hot chillies and there was a season when I had to dry and preserve some in oil because the bush was overproducing.

This is the red hot chilli, which is slightly larger than my thumb.

This chilli is smaller than the Thai variety and not as hot.  I have it growing in a pot with basil, see below.