Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Still colourful


Bougainvillea takes me back to Malaysia and the Italian coastal towns.


eye catching blood lily, haemanthus

belladonna - one of the many clumps all over the garden

a brilliant yellow abutilon

marigold and sage

dahlia and kaffir lime bush

flowers and vegetables, side by side

Friday, March 10, 2023

Autumn offerings


The shocking pink of the nerine is a delight when the garden is slowing down.  There are a few flowers still, but they are slowing down, not producing new buds.

The sedum is so easy to grow and the head of delicate flowers in late summer through autumn, makes me grow this nondescript succulent where there is an empty spot in the garden.

Easy to grow, this lobelia will cover the pot with its cheerful flowers.

The parrots are enjoying the crab apples.  I used to turn them into jelly but at the moment I am happy to see the parrots noisily consume them.

Jacaranda pods.  I could try to collect some seeds when the pods ripen and try to grow them.