Saturday, March 8, 2014


This picture of the hydrangea bushes behind the vegetable boxes was taken in early summer before the week of hot days which sizzled some of the tips and flower heads which were exposed.  I covered the bushes on hot days.

This pink hydrangea survived the heat.  Strangely, the flowers in the bush beside it are bluish even though the plants were cuttings taken from the same bush.  I wonder if one bush gets more leaf litter than the other.

These flower heads are from the same bush but they are at different stage of maturity.  The colours fade as the flowers age.


These brilliant red hibiscus sprout from a spindly plant which has been fed and watered but has no inclination to grow into a healthy bush.  I grew up with this flower, the national floral emblem of Malaysia.

A close up view of the hibiscus.

This hibiscus, a double pink, has been in this pot for years, I was told, when it was given to me by a friend of a friend who was moving to New South Wales.  At times this small bush could have up to four flowers in bloom.  Put into the ground it could grow to a big bush but I think it shall remain in the pot for the time being.

A close up view.