Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Spring colours

This bit of garden bed is as crowded as the rest and is beginning to show the roses and lavender.  The globe artichoke is looking healthy but there is no sign of a bud yet.

A beautiful mix of azalea and ixia to greet visitors.

The bluebells are appearing all over the garden.

The gazania along the front fence were replanted after the job of painting the pickets was completed last autumn.  The manure and compost dug into the narrow bed seem to be working.

Two different colours of the gazania collection.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Spring garden

The ixias are blooming creating an instant spring feel to the garden.  The blossoms from the peaches and apricot are gone but the garden are showing off the different flowers at the moment.

This is but one of the few lavender bushes in the garden and the flowers are attracting the bees.  I will be taking cuttings and spreading the lavenders in different parts of the garden.  The English lavender is yet to flower.

The azaleas are still brilliant though some bushes are spent and waiting to be pruned.  They bring a cheerfulness to the garden and though they need a bit of attention, I would not get rid of them.

At the moment the crows are the constant visitors.  They drop by for a drink or to pick up twigs and sometimes to look for a feed in the garden bed.  The white cockatoos did some damage to a bed of poppies when they dug a few plants up.  Perhaps they were looking for worms.  I hate to think they were just being mischievous.