Wednesday, July 24, 2013


The jonquils have been in flower for a couple of weeks.  I have clumps of them all over the garden so it is always a pleasure to see the yellow or white flowers appearing in winter's bare garden.

A clump of scented white jonquils.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Winter vegetables

This broccoli survives the frost and is ready to pick.  There are three plants in this one pot and they are all looking good.  The broccoli in another pot, in a different part of the garden is struggling, with very small flowers, which I will soon pick and then move the pot to another position perhaps.

These bok choi are ready for picking but I will only harvest a few leaves at a time.  I may leave one plant to go to seed.  Bok choi is also frost tender but these were rescued by washing off the ice before the sun rose, which was a very unpleasant experience.

I don't know the actual name of this lettuce, given to me by a friend who called it a Japanese lettuce.  It is very delicate and gives me some greens after my other lettuces were decimated by the frost.

I planted more snowpeas as those in the garden box were badly damaged by the frost.  I hope this lot will provide me with some peas in a few weeks.