Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Over the years In have been given potted cyclamens in bloom.  When the plants died down I had left the corms to look after themselves and that's what the cyclamens had done.  Not only have they reappeared to flower, they have been self sowing seeds in areas I did not expect to find them.  
Here are a few of them sprouting up through the mulch.  Some have appeared in pots alongside the mother corm.  I have planted the seedlings in pots and in the ground underneath the jacaranda tree, but with enough light to encourage flowering.  They are a beautiful sight in different shades of pink.
They brighten up the garden in winter, where they are the happiest, rather than smothered in the heat of the house.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


I have patches of violets in different parts of the garden.  At the moment the little gems are shining bright.  This patch is overrun by oxalis.  It is a case of pulling out the weed when I am crouching to pick a bunch of violets for the house.  They do well enough in shady areas but to flower well they need a good dose of sunshine.
This is another variety with thicker leaves and petals.  The flowers are usually larger too.  I feed the violets when I am feeding the other plants in autumn and that seem to help with the winter flowering.